The Horsemen of Eire

The Horsemen combine more than a decade of experience in research into horsemanship, historical combat techniques, and stage experience. 

Ireland has always been a centre of riveting history and some of the worlds most magnificent art and literature. We bring history and legend to life, galloping off the page and into reality. We believe history and culture is not something static and boring but exhilarating and alive to be seen in person or experienced inside your own skin as you learn riding, swordfighting, roping and archery, and  feel the sights and sounds of ages past.

From the horsemanship skills of the Vaquero to swordsmanship of the medieval knight, discover a new passion.


We do

  • Theatrical shows telling Irish history and legends with horses and live stunts
  • Quality horsemanship lessons and workshops, colt starting and problem solving
  • Courses teaching you skills swordfighting and archery on horseback
  • Weddings and Event entertainment


The Team



A Horsewoman born in Italy adopted from the US who travels Europe wide. Alessia has been hooked on to horses since a young age. They helped her find peace growing up on the outskirts of Milan. Her drive to have horses 24-7 in her life, her dedication and talent brought her from ride horses to pay for her studies, to subsequently the attention of Paul Dietz, a rare last connection to the world's greatest horsemen - Tom and Bill Dorrance, Ray Hunt and Buck Brannaman.

She has worked with Paul for the several years in Europe and US, and now runs her own program in Europe starting colts, giving private lessons and workshops to people who want to see changes in their horses inside and out.

She believes in partnering horse and human on the basis of "feel", timing and balance.


083 434  31 30

[email protected]




Jack has devoted his life to understanding the martial arts of the past, spending the last years living in London working  travelling the world, teaching them and bringing them to screen, testing himself and his understanding of them in international competition as well as publishing academically on military history.


083 434 49 93

[email protected]




Paul has been involved in all areas of theatrical production for the past 15 years, working in the spotlight as an actor and performer, and behind the scenes in every role imaginable. As a fight co-ordinator and stage combat practitioner he has crafted fight scenes for numerous theatrical companies, encompassing  every genre from Pantomime to Wexford Festival Opera. He has experience in developing plays, street theatre, circus performances, short, outdoor theatrical productions and walking theatrical tours.


Paul is proficient in unarmed combat and armed combat with a wide variety of weapons and has studied several different martial arts, most notably Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) in which he is an instructor.


[email protected]