Horsemanship Clinic with Paul Dietz

Friday July 19th to Sunday July 21st

Paul Dietz has worked at some of America's top facilities training dressage horses, eventers, reiners, show jumpers and polo ponies. He has more than 30 years of experience helping horses and riders achieve their goals. His methods focus on athletic and confident horses that are able to work together with their riders and teaching riders how to achieve these results with their own horses. 


Location: Y25DK25 

- Stabling on site

- Saturday Night Barbecue included in every Ticket

- For more information contact [email protected] or 0834333993



See how Dressage Rider Betty Staley Applies Horsemanship Principles to her work.

Foundation Clinic with Paul Dietz

Learn simple exercises that can be done on the ground to prepare young horses for the saddle and improve athleticism or to solve behavioural issues as well as exercises under saddle for green horses. Unlock your and your horse's potential, create a foundation for future performance and overcome issues. Perfect for green horses, riders and breakers looking to fine-tune their skills.



  • Available

Horsemanship Clinic with Paul Dietz

Horsemanship Class - 3hrs Every Afternoon Perfect for dressage, show jumping, polo and polocrosse. Improve your horse's balance, confidence, precision and responsiveness and gain a better working relationship with your horse. Come away with a variety of straightforward exercises under saddle as well as personal 1 to 1 work.


  • Available